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Architecture in Rebellion

  • Ended
  • 59 British pounds
  • N1C, King's Cross

About the Event

本次我们将以非专业视角探讨生活中的建筑。 建筑是什么? 如果非要给出一个回答, 或许是人在高处远眺, 目极处的地平线。 Pierre Sernet曾背着12根木条与一张草席, 漫游于世界各个角落。 每到一处停歇, 他便用木条与竹席搭起一座“茶室”, 邀请往来者入座,喝上一杯慢茶。 人搭建了茶室,茶室承载了活动, 人与茶室的互动激发出某种精神性特质, 使它从一个简单的构筑物,成为了建筑。 精神性是建筑区别于构筑物的根源, 是人为之心头一颤的理由, 这或许才是建筑的核心。 可如今的大部分建筑已然叛逃, 成为了毫无表情的生活机器。 许多闻名遐迩的建筑真得能打动你吗? 还是空有虚名,驱使你逃离? 某些默默无名的乡野小屋, 是否曾令你心生波澜,驻足许久? 日常生活中再平凡不过的场所, 身处其中,你是否曾为某个瞬间所感动?

What You Need to Know
To ensure a smooth experience for everyone attending our event, please take a moment to review our key policies below:
  • Registration Confirmation:

    The event price includes a set menu, with additional snacks and fruit provided. Event details, including the exact location, will be emailed to you within 24 hours upon successful booking.
  • Menu Adaptability:

    Our event menu is subject to seasonal changes. If you have food allergies, kindly notify us during registration.
  • Pet Allergies:

    Please be advised, cats are present at our venue. Attendees with allergies should consider this before registering.
  • Cancellation and Rescheduling:
    • Requests must be made at least 72 hours prior to the event for a full refund or to reschedule for a future date.
    • Failure to cancel or reschedule in time will result in full charges.
    • Event cancellations by us, due to unforeseen circumstances, will result in refunds within 10 working days.
For any inquiries or refund requests, contact us at
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