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Whispers of Objects: Essence of Becoming

  • Ended
  • 35 British pounds
  • Shepherd's Bush, W12

About the Event

在Salt River「之間之閒」的蓝天井下, 是时光的低语与物的独白。 这里不仅是我们的家, 更是一处小型艺廊。 每一件器皿、每一张影像、 每一把家具、每一件雕塑背后, 都弥漫着远方与无尽的故事。 他们从世界的各个角落汇集于此,找到了归宿。 他们不仅是物,更是我们与世界间的桥梁, 是我们生活哲学的缩影。 「物的独白」不仅是一场展览, 更是一场关于生活、关于存在、关于成为的深刻对话。 在这里,我们以独特的视角重构无用之物, 使他们获得新的生命与价值。 他们的一次次重生被写进属于自己的独白, 诉说着关于时间、关于旅行、关于见证与变迁的故事。 从土耳其的荒原到希腊的森林, 从日本的老茶壶到突尼斯的织物, 一件件物如旅者般跨越山河大海, 来到这里安家。 每一次的位移,每一次的使用, 每一次的对望,使我们的羁绊愈发深厚, 他们填补了我们生命中的空缺。 在本次展览中, 我们希望与您一同探索这个充满故事的世界。 物在自己的领地上,进行着永不停歇的独白, 仔细聆听,想必能够触及这平凡中隐藏的非凡之处。 物的独白有了您的参与便成了对话, 也许它会指引您重新审视生活, 找到连接过去与未来、以及内心与外界的桥梁。

What You Need to Know
To ensure a smooth experience for everyone attending our event, please take a moment to review our key policies below:
  • Registration Confirmation:

    The event price includes a set menu, with additional snacks and fruit provided. Event details, including the exact location, will be emailed to you within 24 hours upon successful booking.
  • Menu Adaptability:

    Our event menu is subject to seasonal changes. If you have food allergies, kindly notify us during registration.
  • Pet Allergies:

    Please be advised, cats are present at our venue. Attendees with allergies should consider this before registering.
  • Cancellation and Rescheduling:
    • Requests must be made at least 72 hours prior to the event for a full refund or to reschedule for a future date.
    • Failure to cancel or reschedule in time will result in full charges.
    • Event cancellations by us, due to unforeseen circumstances, will result in refunds within 10 working days.
For any inquiries or refund requests, contact us at
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